Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Interesting article...

... in the NY Times today about the Manhattan Project, specifically that it is called the "Manhattan Project" for a reason since it started in Manhattan, which the initial research being conducted in the basement of Pupin Hall at Columbia University. It discusses some of the different sites in Manhattan where related work was carried out, and is worth a read. Granted, it isn't particularly relavant to Astronomy, per se, but of potential interest regardless.

Don't forget to turn in for the special Halloween show tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fermi, Szilard was builing the first reactor in Schermhorn not Pupin. Why I do not know. Fermi was able to get football players to assist the project by virtue of his Italian background. The coach of Columbia at that time was Lou Little but whose oriional name was Luigi Picollo.
Norman Gelfand